Northwest Missouri State University Visiting Artist Poster Series (2021-2023)


The Department of Fine and Performing Arts, Olive DeLuce Gallery annually presents contemporary programming which represents traditional and experimental visual arts disciplines. Each exhibiting artist presents a public slide lecture. Visiting artists presentations are held roughly once per month during the academic year. Each lecture is followed by an artist reception to mark the opening of each show and promote dialogue between the viewing public, the students, art department faculty and the featured visiting artist. Lectures and artists receptions are free and open to the public.

The designs referenced the work of each visiting artist. I use typography, shapes, images, and other visual elements to develop posters that reinforce each visiting artist’s style and aesthetics. These posters also serve as a platform to experiment with my personal design and visual research.

© Feixue Mei | Please do not use or reproduce any content without the expressed written consent of Feixue Mei | feixuefeixuemei@gmail.com |